Cybersecurity is a fascinating profession. It requires technical skills and experience — mainly working with computer code, data structures, and network infrastructure. But it also requires other professional skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, the drive to constantly learn new technology, and the ability to communicate with co-workers about best practices and policies.
Another thing that makes cybersecurity so interesting is the pace at which the industry is moving. Both from an overall growth perspective (the industry is booming) but also from the scope and responsibility of what cybersecurity professionals are tasked with doing.
Digital security or information security is no longer a niche field. As more life unfolds across the digital landscape, so too does the need to keep data and information safe. Cybersecurity professionals are working in companies and organizations across all kinds of industry sectors and organizational size.
Here are a couple of resources that are designed to look at current cybersecurity topics in a little bit more depth. The following guides provide a broad overview of the subject, but also provide tactical and actionable information.
A veteran’s guide to cybersecurity
Cybersecurity scholarship guide
Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity for K-12 students
Cybersecurity career networking guide
What to do if you have been hacked
Cybersecurity jobs report 2021
Cybersecurity and responsibility
How to get started in cybersecurity
Is cybersecurity a good career?
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in cybersecurity
Latest attack surface: Small business and cybersecurity